Support Our Athletes by Volunteering
Norton Panther Parent Athletic Booster Club cannot support our athletes without family support and volunteers. We appreciate any and all time you can donate to help our events run smoothly.
There are some wonderful perks when you sign up for certain slots:
When you sign up to volunteer, your Norton Senior is eligible* to apply for our Norton PPABC Scholarship (*a parent needs to attend at least 3 meetings, but 2 of the meeting attendance can be swapped out for 2 slots of volunteering).
When you sign up (and fulfill your duty) for a slot at a sporting event, you get in for FREE!
When you sign up (and fulfill your duty) for a slot at our Reverse Raffle, you get entered into a DRAWING!
When you sign up (and fulfill your duty) for a slot at our Father/Daughter Dance, you get entered into a DRAWING!
Please click on the link below to review the available slots and sign up. Thank you for volunteering to help our Norton Athletes!
Sign Up to Volunteer