Article I - NAME
The name of the organization shall be Panther Parents Athletic Booster Club, hereafter referred to as PPABC.
PPABC exists as an organization of parents and community persons dedicated to:
- A. Supporting, encouraging and advancing the athletic program of the Norton City School district, thereby cultivating clean, wholesome school spirit, promoting good sportsmanship, and developing character.
- B. The club shall promote projects to improve facilities and equipment necessary to provide adequate athletic programs for the school district.
- C. The club shall do nothing which violates the rules of the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) or in any way jeopardizes the membership of the school district in said athletic association.
- D. This club shall not seek to direct the technical activities nor the policies of the school district.
PPABC shall be a non-profit organization and shall seek such legal recognition as may be required by the Federal Government and the State of Ohio to secure, maintain and protect such status for the club and its officers.
- A. Any person interested in the purpose for which PPABC is formed shall be eligible for membership upon payment of the annual dues.
- B. Membership is based on payment of annual dues for each fiscal year beginning in June and ending in May.
- C. The dues of the club shall be determined annually by the membership.
- D. Individual, family and supporting patron memberships will be available.
Any dues paying member, having attended at least 3 meetings and having been an active member for the previous school year, shall be eligible to hold an office in the organization.
These are the officers of this organization and their duties:
- A. The President shall:
- 1. Preside at all meetings of the members, and perform all the duties generally incidental to the office. The president shall appoint all committee chairpersons and oversee the activities of all committees. He/she shall serve as an ex officio member of all committees.
- 2. Plan the agenda of meetings with the assistance of the Recording Secretary.
- 3. Present all relevant matters to the Executive committee and the membership.
- 4. Make sure all officers and committees are functioning properly.
- 5. Serves as the organization's official agent representing PPABC at community activities and serves as the contact person with the Norton Board of Education.
- 6. Be bonded in the amount of $100,000. The bond is to be paid for by PPABC.
- B. The Vice President shall:
- 1. Be responsible for conducting meetings in the absence of the President.
- 2. Assist the President in any way he/she can.
- 3. Be directly responsible to the President.
- C. The Recording Secretary shall:
- 1. Record all meetings and keep an active record of the minutes; and shall provide a report of the minutes at each meeting.
- 2. Keep attendance at all meetings.
- 3. Help the President provide an agenda for meetings.
- 4. Be directly responsible to the President.
- D. The Social Media/Membership Coordinator shall:
- 1. Process all correspondence from PPABC.
- 2. Manage all social media outlets.
- 3. Keep a list of all members.
- 4. Assist the Recording Secretary with the performance of his/her duties.
- 5. Be directly responsible to the President.
- E. The Treasurer shall:
- 1. Receive and have charge of all monies and securities belonging to the organization and shall deposit the funds of the club in a bank selected by the Trustees.
- 2. When leaving town for more than a few days being responsible for leaving a few blank checks with an officer.
- 3. Make disbursements once majority approved by the Trustees and by the officers.
- 4. Provide a Treasurer's report at all meetings reporting all disbursements and the status of the organization's budget.
- 5. Be responsible for a year-end financial statement in preparation for the annual internal audit.
- 6. Be bonded in the amount of $100,000. The bond is to be paid for by PPABC.
- 7. Be directly responsible to the President.
- F. The Trustees shall:
- 1. Be charged with overseeing the operation of the corporation. The Trustees shall approve all contracts for the purchase, sale and disposition of assets and shall manage the corporation for the benefit of its membership. All actions shall be presented to the General Membership for a vote before being paid.
- A. Trustees
- 1. The number of trustees shall be five and shall be elected. Three of the first trustees elected shall serve a one-year term; two shall serve a two-year term, and thereafter, all will serve two-year terms in alternating years.
- B. Officers
- 1. The number of officers shall be five to include a President, Vice President, Social Media/Membership Coordinator, Recording Secretary and Treasurer.
- 2. Each officer shall serve a ONE year term with re-election to any one office limited to unlimited terms.
- 3. The officers shall be elected ANNUALLY after the May organizational meeting. The President shall be the Vice President from the previous year. If the Vice President is not available to ascend to the President's office, one shall be selected by the Trustees.
- C. Election Procedures
- 1. The President shall appoint himself/herself and at least three (3) members of the Trustees and two (2) individuals from the general membership to serve as a Nominating Committee.
- 2. The Nominating Committee shall meet during the month of April and nominate at least One (1) candidate for Vice President, Recording and Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer, along with nominees for Trusteeships being vacated.
- 3. After the absence of the Trustee or Officer from three regularly scheduled monthly meetings, he/she may be removed from office without cause by an 80 vote of the Board of Trustees and Officers.
- 4. In case of a vacancy in one or more Trustees or Officers, the remaining member of the Trustees and Officers shall appoint a person to fill the unexpired term. When a Trustee's or Officer's term of office expires, they may be nominated to run for another term.
- A. General Membership Meetings
- 1. The General Membership meetings shall be held on a regular schedule determined at the beginning of each school year. Emergency meetings may be called by the President, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, as deemed necessary. Then members at a General Membership meeting shall constitute a quorum.
- 2. Meetings shall be presided over by the President. The Vice President or Treasurer may preside in the absence of the President.
- 3. All meetings shall include a review of the minutes from the previous meeting, presentation of a current financial report, reports from active committees, old and new business.
- 4. Meetings will be governed by Robert's Rules of Order.
- 5. Every sport supported by PPABC must have an adult representative (over 21) coach or parent in attendance at a minimum of six meetings.
- 6. Organization can deny requests based on lack of participation from requesting team.
- B. Annual Organizational Meeting
- 1. The Annual Organization meeting of the membership shall be held in May of each year.
- 2. Notice of the Annual Meeting shall be sent by the Corresponding Secretary to each member at his or her last known address.
- The order of business at all meetings shall be as listed below:
- A. Call to order
- B. Review and approve the minutes of the last meeting
- C. Officer's reports
- D. Committee reports
- E. Old business
- F. Adjournment
The following Standing Committees shall be appointed by the President. Each shall be organized for the purpose of improving the efficiency and operation of PPABC. Additional committees will be formed on an as needed basis.
- A. Budget Committee
- The Trustees and Officers shall constitute a Budget Committee and will have the responsibility for establishing the budget of PPABC. The committee shall present its required budget for the following school year, at the August meeting. The monitoring of this budget shall be the responsibility of the Budget Committee.
- B. Ways and Means Committee
- The Ways and Means Committee shall have the responsibility of proposing fundraising activities for consideration by PPABC.
- C. Audit Committee
- The Audit Committee will audit the Treasurer's accounts after June 30th and report to the organization at the August meeting.
The trustees and Officers shall have the power to adopt by-laws regulating the affairs and prescribing the duties of the officers of the club. These by-laws should be revised every two years by a committee appointed by the President.
In the event of the dissolution of PPABC or if it ceases to carry out its purpose as herein set forth, all assets and property of the club shall be applied to settle any and all debts incurred by the club. Any remaining assets or property shall then be distributed to the Norton Athletic Department General Fund.
Todd King, Ryan Postek, Connie King, Stefanie Postek, Melinda Murawski, Angie Mays, Ami Hopkins, Gene Leonard, Mark Vargo, Jim Lada & Rhonda Vargo
August 23, 2016